Radiant underfloor heating
Whether you choose electric or hydronic radiant underfloor heating, you can be assured that you have chosen a highly versatile product. The benefits of radiant underfloor heating are legion, with energy saving being at the front of the pack. Other benefits for you to consider is that radiant underfloor heating is safe, reliable, healthy and absolutely cosy. Now that you have seen the value of your product, you are faced with one major question.
What do you cover your floor with now?
Floor coverings for radiant underfloor heating
The good news is that your radiant underfloor heating works with almost every floor covering out there.
The bad news is, now you have to start choosing what you want to walk on. FYI #warmupsa recommends #nomoresocks.
When choosing your floor covering, you will be able to consider any of the following options, all of which are highly compatible with your new heating solution:
- Tiles
- Carpets
- Laminates
- Vinyls
- Stone
- Polished screed
- Stone
- Ceramic
- Parquet
- Marble
- Variety of wood options
Note: Though most floor coverings are suitable for underfloor heating, it is advisable to confirm with the manufacturer of your chosen option.
Which floor covering is the best for radiant underfloor heating
Digging a little deeper, choosing your ideal floor covering isn’t necessarily just about colour and design.
Something else to consider is your floor’s performance relating to your heating system. Some flooring options will perform differently to others, that is to say, they may take a bit longer to heat up, or heat up quicker than others. This is also a point to consider if energy saving is important to you.
Some floor coverings may offer their own insulating properties, therefore giving some resistance to the heat passing through, while others may offer little to no resistance to the passing heat, resulting in a quickly warmed room. The thickness of the floor covering may also play a role in the time it takes to heat the room and keep the temperature to a thermally blissful experience.
The heat output needs to be considered too, as you don’t want a floor covering that loses its heat as quickly as it warms up, therefore resulting in not heating the room optimally.
Different floor coverings will also require different installation methods and time-frames for your radiant underfloor heating system, so be sure to discuss this with your flooring installer.
Whatever your floor covering choice may be, #Warmupsa can guarantee a safe and comfortable warm floor for your home.
For answers to all your underfloor heating questions, don’t forget to follow our blog and check us out on our social pages. #warmupsa can be found on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram and Google+.
#Warmupsa has partnered with renowned brands Viega Fonterra, OJ Electronics, Marmox, and Heatmiser, to bring you another sustainable heating solution.